Hello, my name is MicBun

I am a Golang developer passionate about building scalable and reliable systems. Golang is my primary language, and I have experience with Redis, Kafka, PostgreSQL, Docker, and Twirp. This website is built with Astro for the front end and backed by a Golang server that uses Twirp for RPC communication, Redis for caching, and PostgreSQL for data storage.

Michael Buntarman smiling in a red plaid shirt and tortoise shell glasses


Mainly focused on backend development, especially with Go, but also have working knowledge of some frontend technologies.


Working remotely for over 3 years, I've learned to be self-disciplined and self-motivated. I'm comfortable working in a distributed team.

Problem Solver

With a strong problem-solving mindset, I'm always looking for ways to improve the codebase and the development process.

Work Experience

Take a look at my work experience by clicking the button.